Sunday, October 22, 2006


Below are some pictures of the garden that were taken this morning:

The Garden

The garden has a path running down the middle that separates the two main beds. In the bed to the north lies the cold frame and the soon to be planted Jerusalem Artichokes. The southern bed is where the Winter Rye was Planted.

The Cold Frame

Longways, it runs from West to East and slopes downward to the south, which is towards the front of the picture.

One half of the cold frame has been planted. As you can see, the two rows of Cabernet Small Round Radishes have sprouted (lower two rows). Also, two of the lettuce varieties have begun to sprout. They are at the top of the frame and might be difficult to see.

Winter Rye

This field contains the Winter Rye, though it is hard to see. The rye is a winter cover crop that will be worked into the soil in February or March to increase the supply of available Nitrogen. Once it is worked into the soil, one should wait 3 to 4 weeks before planting, as too much Nitrogen can be detrimental to the plants.


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